Confectionary Specialties of the Monasteries for Favors

Create the "do-it-yourself" favor for your ceremony or event with Confectionery Specialties in many varieties and types, according to your needs.

To receive a quote , with discounts based on quantities , provide the information requested in this form:

and you will receive a dedicated quote as soon as possible.

NB: we supply only the product, without accessories or decorations specific to the favors (tulle, ribbons, bags, etc.).

Format: different.

Code: 930040


Create the favor for your ceremony or your event with the Confectionery Specialties of the monasteries: biscuits, pastries, chocolate, spreads.

Produced by the Trappist nuns of Prague, the nuns of Cassino, the monks of Subiaco.


Ingredients: for ingredients and any specifications (eg nutritional values) refer to the relevant product card